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 Politics Archive 2017

Covfefe means coverage
by Nathan'ette Burdine: June 1, 2017

Due to Donald Trump going off on tangents whenever he gets bad press coverage, it shouldn’t take much for folks to figure out that “covfefe” means coverage.

Yesterday, a little after midnight, Trump tweeted, “Despite the negative press covfefe.”

Just look at the two words, negative and press, which come before covfefe. Now, take into consideration how Trump has behaved whenever he has gotten “negative press coverage.”

The investigation into Trump’s Presidential Campaign possibly being in cahoots with the Russians is a perfect example of this.

Before then National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was fired, Trump took to Twitter to complain about the intelligence community, New York Times, The Washington Post, and former President Barack Obama.

Trump questioned whether the intelligence community had “wiretapped” his phones in Trump Tower under then President Obama’s orders.

Trump then turned around and called the New York Times and The Washington Post “fake news” for reporting how ridiculous his claims are.

Like his BFF, Flynn is convinced this is all a witch hunt led by his former boss, then President Obama, who fired Flynn and warned Trump about hiring him.

Flynn, of course, being the loyal friend he is told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he will talk if he is given immunity.

They told him no dice and he said ok, no talk. Welp, all of that changed after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed a special counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, to the case.

All of a sudden, one of Flynn’s porch lights came on. He soon decided that the “no-deal” “no-talk” stance he took before former FBI Director Robert Mueller came on as the special counsel should be thrown out the door, and that it is best to give the congressional committees documents that he has pertaining to the investigation.

Then there’s Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Kushner has found himself in a world of trouble after reports about him allegedly trying to set up a secret channel with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak.

Kislyak, by the way, is not only the fella who’s connected to several members from Trump’s Presidential Campaign but he is also one of the fellas who Trump told the real reason as to why he fired former FBI Director James Comey.

Sooo yeah, Russia, Russia, Russia has got Trump stressing, stressing, stressing.

And after looking at all of this, a person can only conclude that when Trump got up after midnight to tweet, “Despite the negative press covfefe,” he was talking about the “negative press” coverage that he calls “fake news.”

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